Editor's review
Emailarchitect Email Server is a completely functional email server which meets all your mailing requirements in a fast and cost-effective way.
It is a secure email server which supports almost all Internet protocols such as the SMTP/POP3/SSL/WEBMAIL protocols. It uses the SMTP service for sending mails and the POP3 service for receiving and retrieving, incoming mails. It has a webmail access option which allows you to access your emails from the web browser. It runs in all versions of Windows; 2000, 2003 and XP. You can use it on any email client, be it Outlook, Netscape Mail etc. It helps you fight spam using anti-spam filters on Domain and User levels. It also allows you to develop customized filter dll using Emailarchitect SDK.
It is a light and fast email server supporting multiple domains. With this competitive tool, you can communicate better.
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